Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jensine is taking Chinese exam today..
We wish her all the best
'Cause we won't be there to support her!
Except Jasmine of course..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pathetic blog huh...must agree..
I (hot korean guy ,quote TT) is also not a pathetic Lee Hom fan like Jen...

Yes thank you TT for letting me have your precious little wife...><
SHES MINE!!!(sounds so wrong)
going with the untouchable is nvr a bad choice...(talking too much good stuff about her)

Awww..thnk you for understanding,dear buddy..
I have magnificent taste in the choosing my dates...><
Tiffany,I love you so much that I have to take this pathetic Lee Hom fan  away from you!
and there I shall end this pathetic blog...with a quote by tiffany c and tiffany l for Jen


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


TT here!



It's my turn to update this pathetic blog...*gah!*
What to write?? lol
I'm not a pathetic LeeHom fan like Jen..

Anyway, referring to Kim-Saw(hot korean guy), he's just pretending that he's not!!, about dating the pathetic LeeHom lover...




"Take her..I don't need her! She's of no use to me!!" teehee!! :p Sh'e all yours..to touch!!! :D I thought you'll be my buddy forever..but after this bad choice..of going to date the untouchable....I think you'll still be my buddy!! but hmm...why the bad taste?? lol!!!

hehe...have your affair!!!I don't mind!!! I have Pocoyo!!!*wee!*

or should I quote..

Jen, *sobs*
"How could you do this to me!! *sobs* After all I've done for you!! *sobs* I didn't even blame you for aborting the stupid fetus!!!..*sobs* although it's not mine..*hmm-mmm!!!* *sobs*


I thought you loved me!! *sobs*

*FYI, I quoted these sentences from movies. Jasmine, Ta, Ginny, Jensine and Saw, don't ask me what's my source!!*

I think I'll go with the second quote...*teehee!!*

Going away to cry,

*i'm a genius at this crying thingy!! even my initials are crying!!*

Go to my blog for a more detailed version... :D
Yes yes..its me...no not Mac-Jen... its me...!!you know me..me is..welll...I'll just get to the point
me=Kim Saw

If you have seen the last post...It is my turn to post something for Jensine..
Today Jensine got marching practice....
She said kawad until wanna cry..
awww Jensine...tomorrow is the day..
Then you are FREE!!
Then we can go on that pathetic 'date' of ours
Yes Tiffany she is having an affair.....with little old pathetic me!!

So Tiffany it's your turn again!!

Thank you WOMEN :D

Thank you for updating me blog :D
I cant believe I have a blog!
YAY ME...*clap hands for myself*


Monday, May 3, 2010


I've updated the blog!!

Like the new template??
and I have no idea what to say..At All!!

By the way,
I'm TiffanyT.

I'm blogging for Ms.Mac-Jen..
Hmm...I changed almost everything..
I wonder whether she will like it...

Kim Saw!!!
It's your turn now!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


can u help me update my blog?